Almost so close ya can taste it

Our newest single has been a long time coming.  Studio work in the time of Covid 19 presents challenges!

      One of the positive things the last year has brought is the increasing viability of off site recording, allowing musicians the ability to work with musicians in other sites or even states through that amazing set of tubes and stuff pioneered by Al Gore!

     Our newest single needed a cohesive and neat baseline that stood out and held the song together like glue.  A back bone that made the tune flow and a melody that caught the ear.  I play bass, have for years, but most of my musical experience involved 4 notes and jumping off amplifiers.  This led me to thinking ( because well all this time )  about who would be the ideal bass player and all I kept coming up with was Jimbo Hart.  You might have to google him or maybe not.  He plays as a part of one of my all time hero's backing band.  But he's also a MONSTER of a bass player.  

     On a whim it hit me "hey you are friends with him on facebook, why not ASK him? "  Seemed almost too obvious.  Turns out he was just as he seemed if ya ever met him, super friendly, and more than happy to play along. Off the song went on a series of wires and tubes to Alabama, and back it came with a perfect bass line.

     Then of course ( you might be able to see where this is going... ) the guitar didn't really fit....what with the bass being new.. leading to the conundrum of what do about to get some guitar leads and fills that sounded like the player had actually played with the bass player.   This was real easy as I figured " hey why not try the guitar player from the very same band?  He's played with the bass player for over 6 years"    Turns out the stellar Sadler Vaden was just as friendly and up for it too, so using those same series of tubes and wires, off it went down south again, returning with some killer telecaster fills , a solo, some rhythm tracks and that famous Rickenbacker 12 string i felt the song called for.  I think he fits right in with the Bass player :)

     Attempts at me continuing this plan further by outsourcing my vocals were blocked by the REAL singer from MPT.  That's another story.

In a sense this allows us to play with some of who I consider the best players today especially in regards to this particular genre or music. and the result sounds it.  Produced by the indominable Sir David Minehan and featuring Leo on drums again, we are pretty excited about the way it came out.   Its being mastered now for release ( again those tubes and wires )  and should be out within a week.  


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